Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's Your Motivation?

I have to say that this lil' competition has done wonders for my self-control; I cannot believe the power one little point has on my ability to pass up the candy dishes at work or decline a bite of a friend's creme brulee that she benignly offers while we talk. My hubby physically trembled the other day when I mused I just might want to make this a lifelong lifestyle change...

The one category that is hard for me to consistently do, though, is the 40 minute exercise requirement, especially after returning home from a long day. With my days typically starting at the latest by 5 am, it takes a lot of coaxing after a long day to convince myself I need to change and head out the door for a run.... At those times, even a point is not THAT much motivation. So I want to give a shout out to my endearing, though many times, obnoxious dog, who gets me out of the door when the tally of "one more point" doesn't do the job. Because while I can rationalize the loss of a point, I cannot rationalize the whimper of a lil' puppy just wanting some human attention and a good romp outside of HER backyard home.

So, ladies and gents, what is your motivation when the little red devil on your shoulder whispers you don't need this one point?


  1. I agree with you about the 40 minute workout being the hardest point. It's easiest when I do it in the morning (luckily my day starts like 4 or 5 hours after yours) but that rarely happens. I figure I have the whole day to fit it in, why do it now? By the time the kids are in bed I have NO energy and no desire to work out. What makes me do it is my 100% streak. I don't want to break it by choice. Plus I need every point I can get since I haven't lost any weight:( Once the streak is over I'm going to have to come up with new motivation. Unfortunately my dog won't do it. We crushed her hopes and dreams of a walk every day just about 3 years ago when E was born. Poor Duchess.
