Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What are everyone's feelings on the vitamins? Generally if you are eating healthy you shouldn't need to take a daily vitamin. Do we have to lose a point if we don't need the extra vitamins?


  1. I think that even eating healthy right now we are still deficient certain vitamins, like vitamin D that comes from the sun. I think if you don't want to take the vitamin that is fine but you don't get the point.

  2. As the Biggest Loser Referee (by default), I am going along with Nicole. To get your vitamin point you need to take vitamin, it's okay if you decide against it, but you don't get the point.

    Here's an interesting point published by "Women's Health Fitness":

    "Today's food no longer contains the vitamins and other nutrients that are required for good long-term health.

    Years ago vitamins and other nutrients were replenished in the soil and transferred to into the plants, but since farming techniques have changed drastically, so has the vitamin and nutrient content of the crops."

    Here's the link for more reading:

  3. I agree with Amy-for the most part people don't take the vitamins the way they should and it becomes very expensive . If you plan accordingly (which does take some effort) you should be able to get what your body needs through an expensive diet. I don't worry about losing the point, it won't make a difference in the end because you are all going down but, I do worry that some who don't know much about dieting and don't have the financial stability will waste their money on a pill that your body won't be able to break down and metabolize. Anyway, take it for what it's worth from a guy who minored in nutrition and has a health degree.

  4. I need to amend my comment above, it was 6 am. If you plan accordingly (which does take some effort) you should be able to get what your body needs through a diet. If you want an expensive diet that works too.
