Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spinach Vs. Lettuce

Salads are very helpful in reaching your 5 fruits and veggies for the day, and very low in calories. Did you know that spinach is actually lower in calories than lettuce? And it has much more nutritional value than regular lettuce. Here is the break down for you salad eaters:
1 serving of Spinach: Vitamin A 56% Vitamin C 14% Calcium 3% Iron 5% Fiber 3%
1 serving of lettuce: Vitamin A 7% Vitamin C 3% Calcium 1% Iron 2% Fiber 3%

If you are choosing salads to help you along the diet, make sure you aren't blowing your calories on high fat dressings to go with it! There are some really yummy options for healthy dressings, ie. poppyseed, vidallia onion, honey mustard. Make sure you check the labels though, some brands aren't as healthy as they claim!


  1. I chose to eat my salad without dressing. You're going down my friend!

  2. Watch your salad dressing, blah blah friggin dah!!! :) you know I now have the same amount of points that you do since you lost two on Sat. Since my partner hasn't lost any of her points we have more then you and Bryce. So eat that on your lettuce, I mean spinach.
