I just did one of the hardest things I've done in a long time. I worked on this for pretty much the whole month of December.

It was my first attempt at a gingerbread house and was sort of my creative outlet. I poured little sugar windows and laid and grouted little candy tiles, formed little sugar flowers, crushed cookie coal, etc. I've already declared my dependence on sugar and I'll just demonstrate just how bad it is/was. When I made it I was also secretly planning to eat it. My plan all along was to pick my favorite candy off of the house after the new year. Yes, the thought is probably a little gross to most of you but I LOVE candy so much that I couldn't see these poor little candies not reach their destiny of making my little um I mean big tummy happy. I was going to wait until new years because that is when my 6 month biggest loser competition was ending. I also figured that by the time I'd finished picking, it would be so mangled that I would have no problem tossing the remains in the trash. While it was still in it's perfect state I ended up joining this competition. The first day of the competition I looked at my little candy train station and very quickly realized that my window of gorging opportunity had closed. I'm not desperate/disgusting enough to save the thing until April, plus I haven't known my friends here long enough for them not to judge me for having a Christmas project on my counter all the way until Easter. The thought crossed my mind that I could still eat all that I wanted off of it in one day so I was only going to lose one tiny point. But long story short, as to not lose even a single point I just dumped the whole thing in the trash. I feel sick to my stomach and want to cry a little. Remember-don't judge.
My wife and I made gingerbread houses for christmas as well, and I think more of it ended up consumed than made it onto our houses. I as well remember as a kid eating the fruits or umm sugars of our labor after christmas and was planning on it as well. Now I am off to see much of my family this weekend and my wife and I have decided to take our sugar coated cereals, candies, Sparkling Ciders and anything else against the rules with us to distribute amongst many sugar deprived nephews, nieces and siblings.
ReplyDeleteI am crying for you!! It was beautiful! Whenever we make gingerbread houses part of the fun is to pick at them. Good for you! I don't know that I could have done it after all that work and then to have looked at it for so long. UGH! Three cheers for you! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
ReplyDeleteYou can cry! I would have. I've almost cried a few times about things like that. That was an awesome Gingerbread house by the way!
ReplyDeleteAwww! I love the moral support. Becky is definitely the MVP of the day!
ReplyDeleteBecksta, you constantly amaze me with all the amazing projects you do!