Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why do I end up tempting myself?

Last night I made a sugar free Texas sheet cake, but it was after 8pm. It took all of my effort to not lick my fingers and to not take a taste of it. Tonight there is a literacy night as Isabelle's school and we preordered Chick-fil-a, before we started this competition. Now I just get to watch my family eat it, unless I want to loose a couple of points for eating it. Why do I do this to myself?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day One Down

Since being in my last competition, I have become slack again as far as eating sweets. Last month was a bit rough with not being able to work out either. Today I have turned a new page as far as competing again and cutting back sweets and working out as I like to. I have missed working out and enjoy the warmer weather, it lets me do more outside comfortably. While I was grocery shopping today the chocolate bars were on sale and I almost bought some, momentarily forgetting I am not eating them right now. Last time I lost a point due to eating a lifesavers and I don't want a repeat this time. I also almost ate a chocolate chip or two that was in my kitchen cupboard. This will take a little getting used to again, but I know I can do it. I look forward to it. I hope the rest of the group does as well. I wish you all success...but just not quite as much as me ;)

Helpful serving information

•one banana
•six strawberries
•two plums
•fifteen grapes
•one apple
•one peach
•one half cup of orange or other fruit juice

•five broccoli florets
•ten baby carrots
•one roma tomato
•3/4 cup tomato juice
•half of a baked sweet potato
•one ear of corn
•four slices of an onion

New Rules

Every 20 minutes exercise= 1 point (Can get as many points as you can on this one)

Every 2 servings of fruits and veggies (1/2 C is a serving, except lettuce is 1 C) = 1 point (Can get as many points as you can eat on this one, and if you have questions about your serving size, google it)

1 point for 10 minutes of scripture study

1 point for reading a conference talk

1 point for drinking 64 oz of water per day

1 point for not eating after 8pm

1 point for taking a multi-vitamin

2 points for every pound you loose

Take away a point for every serving of candy and desserts that you eat, unless they are sugar free or made with a sugar substitute

Take away a point for every 8 oz of soda that you drink

Take away a point for every serving of fast food that you eat (i.e. McDonalds, Wendi’s, Burger King…)

To join the competition, each competitor must put in $2 for the 4 week session prize during the 1st week. If you don’t, you will be dropped from the competition for that 4 week session. If you choose to drop out of the competition, you forfeit your money. You may compete as an individual or as a team. If you compete as a team, you must indicate that by the 1st day. If a team wins, the prize money will be split between the two of them.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Round two

There are a few of us that have begun another round of competition. This one goes in four week intervals and has a few different rules. We have different ways to get more points. I am excited to be doing this again. I hope it is awesome!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And the winners are...

Seriously, who are they?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's the last day and I got my prize!

I went to ladies night at Deseret Book and won a 2 lb. box of See's Chocolates! It couldn't have been better timing. It'll be great to celebrate the end of our 3 months of suffering with that. Don't worry, I won't eat it all in one sitting. I don't want to gain all the weight back that I worked so hard to loose. Good luck on the weigh in, everyone. Think "light" thoughts when you step onto your scale.