Sunday, January 31, 2010

1/3 of the way there

As we finish the first month, we should be 1/3 of the way to our weight goal, right?! I am terribly disappointed to say that I am not. I know I know. I come in talking all this trash talk and here I am not even 1/3 of the way to my goal. Boo to me. Cheers to you that are there or more than 1/3 of the way to your goal!! So this month I am going to step it up a notch in my work outs. I came down with bronchitis last month and while I still worked out, it wasn't my best. So cheers to a new month AND hopes that I won't get sick AGAIN and to LOSING weight.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

As this competition goes on I am more and more thankful that I am NOT a diabetic. I remember when I was 12 and my younger brother was diagnosed with Type I diabetes. At the time there were very few options for sugar free foods. While the sugar free options of today do taste much better then they used to, they still just doesn't cut it. I miss sugar!!! I know I will NOT be making a life change of no sugar after this contest is over. I look forward to the day I can make a sweet here and there and use a little sugar. We don't do that many sweets to begin with but NO sweets is much harder than I like. So cheers to all those who can do it for life. I look forward to April and sugar.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Counting Down

I made the big mistake of eating at 8:30 tonight. I was with a group of friends and couldn't resist the delectable fresh pineapple. As I left and headed over to another meeting this evening I realized I then had to wait till 10:30 to go to bed. So here I am counting down till I can crash. Today was exhausting, emotionally and physically and I really want to go to bed. If only I could speed up the clock. Oh wait, my living room clock is ahead a few minutes. Maybe I will go by that one. :D Goodnight everyone. Sleep tight and don't let the sugar bugs bite.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tomorrow I am in charge of doing the dinner for my daughter's school. While I contacted a restaurant to make the actual dinner, I ran out of money for the dessert. SO, I am making enough brownies for 33 people. After I poured the batter in and put them into cook, I DIDN'T EVEN LICK THE SPOON. I was terribly afraid I would slip. Yes, it really was tough for me. Then I went out for a bit and when I returned I walked into a home smelling of delicious brownies. mmm brownies. They are so yummy. I can't wait to get these things out of my house, unscathed by me of course.


Hey everyone! Check your email. It's time to talk about prizes. Now there's a motivation boost! Don't you think? I need one since I'm sitting here watching my three kids eat ice cream right in front of me and I had to serve it to them. Plus it's been a rough day! Keep up the good work everyone! You guys are awesome!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Does anyone else think that a large part of why they may need to lose weight is their children? I know mine are. I can't blame them for it because I am the one who eats the junk, but when they get at each other I find myself wanting to lock myself in my room and enjoy a decadent piece of chocolate. mmmm chocolate. Good thing Jenny is my partner or I would have eaten many pieces of chocolate by now.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Wendi!

Happy Birthday, Wendi!
Because of you, I am now at the 40% mark towards reaching my goal in April!
Thanks, Wendi!
It's great to not worry about my jeans shrinking when I put them in the dryer!
Also, my Wii Fit Personal Trainer said today that I'm incredible.
What a nice Birthday Present you've given me!
Aunt Laureli

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's Your Motivation?

I have to say that this lil' competition has done wonders for my self-control; I cannot believe the power one little point has on my ability to pass up the candy dishes at work or decline a bite of a friend's creme brulee that she benignly offers while we talk. My hubby physically trembled the other day when I mused I just might want to make this a lifelong lifestyle change...

The one category that is hard for me to consistently do, though, is the 40 minute exercise requirement, especially after returning home from a long day. With my days typically starting at the latest by 5 am, it takes a lot of coaxing after a long day to convince myself I need to change and head out the door for a run.... At those times, even a point is not THAT much motivation. So I want to give a shout out to my endearing, though many times, obnoxious dog, who gets me out of the door when the tally of "one more point" doesn't do the job. Because while I can rationalize the loss of a point, I cannot rationalize the whimper of a lil' puppy just wanting some human attention and a good romp outside of HER backyard home.

So, ladies and gents, what is your motivation when the little red devil on your shoulder whispers you don't need this one point?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Raise your hand

Does anyone else have a two week point total of 110 (not including bonus points)?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I need some moral support

Please don't judge me based on what you are about to read.
I just did one of the hardest things I've done in a long time. I worked on this for pretty much the whole month of December.

It was my first attempt at a gingerbread house and was sort of my creative outlet. I poured little sugar windows and laid and grouted little candy tiles, formed little sugar flowers, crushed cookie coal, etc. I've already declared my dependence on sugar and I'll just demonstrate just how bad it is/was. When I made it I was also secretly planning to eat it. My plan all along was to pick my favorite candy off of the house after the new year. Yes, the thought is probably a little gross to most of you but I LOVE candy so much that I couldn't see these poor little candies not reach their destiny of making my little um I mean big tummy happy. I was going to wait until new years because that is when my 6 month biggest loser competition was ending. I also figured that by the time I'd finished picking, it would be so mangled that I would have no problem tossing the remains in the trash. While it was still in it's perfect state I ended up joining this competition. The first day of the competition I looked at my little candy train station and very quickly realized that my window of gorging opportunity had closed. I'm not desperate/disgusting enough to save the thing until April, plus I haven't known my friends here long enough for them not to judge me for having a Christmas project on my counter all the way until Easter. The thought crossed my mind that I could still eat all that I wanted off of it in one day so I was only going to lose one tiny point. But long story short, as to not lose even a single point I just dumped the whole thing in the trash. I feel sick to my stomach and want to cry a little. Remember-don't judge.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spinach Vs. Lettuce

Salads are very helpful in reaching your 5 fruits and veggies for the day, and very low in calories. Did you know that spinach is actually lower in calories than lettuce? And it has much more nutritional value than regular lettuce. Here is the break down for you salad eaters:
1 serving of Spinach: Vitamin A 56% Vitamin C 14% Calcium 3% Iron 5% Fiber 3%
1 serving of lettuce: Vitamin A 7% Vitamin C 3% Calcium 1% Iron 2% Fiber 3%

If you are choosing salads to help you along the diet, make sure you aren't blowing your calories on high fat dressings to go with it! There are some really yummy options for healthy dressings, ie. poppyseed, vidallia onion, honey mustard. Make sure you check the labels though, some brands aren't as healthy as they claim!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Thought I was having a rough couple of days

Well, I have been in some pain the last couple of days with very little to show for it. I worked out with weights for the first time Saturday. I have struggled to get all my points and came to several cross roads wondering if this was all worth it. But, then I weighed myself. I lost another 3 pounds!! I have lost 6 pounds and really only worked out three times. With that bit of information I no longer hurt as much. Stupid as it is, I find myself thinking that I should go back and do it all over again. Anyway, I am well on my way of meeting my weight goal, I want to weigh what I did when I got married. I was just wondering how every one else was doing. I am glad to hear all of the success stories-it makes me remain strong and committed.

Omar is bringin' it this week

I just wanted those in the individual competition to know that Omar is bringin' it this week, even though he is on a business trip in Las Vegas. He packed the portable DVD player, P90X, and his pull-up bar. Now this is getting serious people.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Water Water WATER!!!!

I usually drink most of my water early in the morning, with a large part of it consumed while working out and so on. It has yet to have been a problem to get it all in. Today, however, I didn't get started till later in the afternoon. Since I am in the nursery I waited till after church to start drinking any and I am now downing a ton of water having forgotten to drink it earlier on. Grrrrr Did anyone else do this?

Polls In. Change is Imminent!

Votes are in. The change passed 2:1. (Sorry for all those traditionalist, but do not cry too badly the "Traditional Biggest Loser", i.e. most weight lost overall, should definitely be made into a subcatergory contention.)

You will now receive bonus "weight" points based on reaching your "ideal" weight goal (see the below post, "Check Your Email...".

The formula: (Actual Weight Lost (not to exceed declared weight) / Declared Goal Weight Loss)*200
***Not to exceed 200 points***

So, worthy competitors, please email me (PRIVATELY) your GOAL WEIGHT LOSS (or weight gain) for April 4th. I need everyone's submission of the "Goal Weight Loss" by Friday, January 15th, so we continue with the games. Please send them soon so we don't have to think of ramifications (i.e. possible disqualification??) A new excel spreadsheet with the new Goal Weight Loss formula will be coming soon...just after a Lisa (Thanks Lisa!) does her magic with her tweeks and wingdings. Thanks for all your input and your continual motivation!

Friday, January 8, 2010

I had a bad day.

So far this week I have been doing great at getting daily points. That is until yesterday. I woke up yesterday after a lovely 7 hours of sleep to a wonderful breakfast with fruit and a multi-vitamin. Got to work early so I figured I would get home early and go to Gold's gym for an hour and get my workout in. I was on track to get all my daily points. Well until I got an email saying someone was going to call me at 6:00am from the other side of the world meaning 11:00 pm in Salt Lake, at that point I had to prepare for their call so I was at work until 5:30 and didn't have a chance for lunch meaning I didn't get to refill my 32 oz mug nor did I get any vegetables and now it would be a tight fit to still get golds gym in with other responsibilities for the evening. Next one of my co-workers who only comes down to Salt Lake once every other week because he lives 2 hours away found a huge problem with his work and asked to spend the night at my house. So now I had to worry about dinner I didn't have time to cook plus my wife was getting of work at 7:30 so I took the easy way out and took everyone to Olive Garden. While there I ordered healthy food and felt so good until that sneaky waiter put not one but two mint's on the table and without even thinking I downed it along with my sweets point. Luckily all I drank was water so I saved that point. After my phone call at 11:00 I found out I needed to be into work by 7:00 and lost my 7 hours of sleep point.

Does anyone else have bad days?

Thanks to Wendi!

I am really enjoying this little group and am glad so many people are doing it together. It is so much more motivating to be healthy when we aren't alone. So THANK YOU WENDI! It is a wonderful idea!

CHECK Your Email And Submit Your VOTE!

New proposal to equalize the weight bonus points. Check your emails and submit your vote. (Votes will only be received via email).

Here's how it will work. Everyone will declare, privately to me, their GOAL WEIGHT LOSS (or weight gain) for April 4th. The goal should be challenging, but realistic (remember, there was a reason you joined this competition). Also, to motivate people to declare a challenging goal, any additional weight lost over your Declared Goal Weight Loss will not receive additional points, but it will be a fabulous personal bonus for you.

The Formula:
[Actual Weight Lost (not to exceed declared weight) / Declared Goal Weight Loss]*200

***Not to exceed 200 points***

As for those who are competing as a team, weight bonus points will be computed individually, then combined and averaged according to the members in your team.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


I would like to know what the prize is going to be. There's talk of different categories to possibly win, but what will we be winning? Just thought I'd throw that out there. Thanks for all you do Wendi!


The type of music I listen to makes or breaks the workout for me. So , I was just wondering what types of music everyone else listens to while working out to help them going.
While there is a diversity of music I listen to, it always comes back to Muse. They are my fave. I can't help but move when I listen to them.

Feeling Better Already!

Anyone else out there already feeling better? Other than having to pee every thirty minutes (TMI?), my body is already thanking me for cutting out the sweets. That's not to say they aren't still calling my name... oh, they are calling alright. But there is something exciting about knowing my willpower is stronger than the deliciously sweet call of that bowl of ice cream I'll only regret eating.

Just to add my two cents to the sweet tooth cures, I've found that frozen applesauce does the trick. I buy the single serving no sugar added kind. Plus, you sort of have to chip away at it as you eat it, so it takes time and focus. :)

As for the hot cocoa, I substitute with steamed milk. I'm guessing you could buy the sugar free flavors for home, but I generally go to Starbucks and get the sugar free nonfat steamer and add cinnamon. Yum!

And on a final note (for now), I've given up sweets for several months before (turns out I'm kinda of a sugar addict and have to detox for a few months every year in order to get the binging under control). The first couple weeks are the hardest, and then it's just a matter of keeping on. Good luck to all!

a bit bummed

I thought I was doing so great having lost two pounds and come to find out there are people that have lost three. It's OK though. I can catch up. I bought some sugar free jello today to make the hot drink with. We shall see how it works. One of my weakness is hot cocoa, so if I can find a great substitute then I can go without for the next little bit. Soon enough it will be too warm to drink it anyway.

But now it is time to get dressed to do my workout for the day.

I am thinking...

I am thinking day four is a great time for an ice cold

Or how about a delicious chocolate

What do you say?

My favorite "Sweet" Quencher

I haven't made one since the start of this lil' competition, but it's on reserve when a get a sugar craving OR just want a delicious breakfast. Plus, it at least takes care of 1-2 servings of fruit depending on how much fruit you put in.

Fruit Smoothies

1 frozen banana
1 yogurt, flavor of your choice (I love Dannon's Light & Fit)
A few chunks of frozen mango
approximately 1/4 cup of frozen berries
approximately 1/4 to 1/2 cup of milk
a splash of lime juice (optional)

Blend to your desired consistency. The frozen banana after blended makes the smoothie silky smooth.

I have frozen mango on hand, but really you can add whatever fruit combination you like best. I also just bought milled flaxseed from Costco (I got sucked in by one of their taste testing booths), which I will try experimenting with by adding a few teaspoons in the smoothies to add an extra boost of omega-3, fiber, and protein. "They" say it blends in smoothly in fruit smoothies. I will see...



Boy was I shocked to hear that somebody was substituting Graham Crackers instead of sweets...does this seem odd to anybody else, especially since at the website the description allows for graham crackers to be crackers if they are made of graham flour (hard whole-wheat flour in which the constituent bran, germ, and endosperm have been ground separately, the first two coarsely and the third finely). Commercial graham crackers of today are defined as one of the better cookies out there for consumption, however the key is they are a cookie with processed sugar. The shock I experienced at reading the comment floored me. I realize this is hard for each of us in our own way, but we can make it through. My office receives at least a box of candy per day, and the cookies and ice cream flow thicker than milk and honey in any scriptural verse. Exercise is sometimes available, but not much more frequent than cell phone service here. All I am saying is don't shortcut ladies. We can all tough it out together. I just wish I had a Wii Fit Personal Trainer to help out. Keep up the hard work people, and remember, a cookie by any other name is not a cracker. Good luck.

Day 4-how is everyone doing?

Hello. I am Bryce Sherwood and I have enjoyed this so far. I was just wondering how everyone else is doing? The adrenalin is still kicked in for me and I have only missed 5 points so far-I won't take a vitamin. Other than that I am doing really well. I have struggled with the eating sweets thing-I feel like I am a drug addict and just salivate and stare at all the holiday junk we still have sitting around. Yesterday I almost convinced my self to just binge and eat it all in one day but, because I am part of the Sherwood team I didn't. I need to set a schedule on when I will work out but taking racquetball (anyone want to play?) two times a week will help that out and then I teach my health class up at WSU on Saturdays so I will get in a workout after I teach as well. Glad to be part of this group, I hope to be able to help and get help from all of you but, like many other people have said, good luck because you will need it. Oh, and I have lost 3 pounds already.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Two hour limit

Has anyone else been putting things away in the kitchen and gone to grab something to munch on only to realize that you want to go to bed in less then 2 hours? I have and then the item promptly gets chucked as if it contains the plague. I think this will help me with getting my kitchen cleaned up earlier.
I am so determined to be the winner that I went out a purchased my very own personal trainer for this. AKA Wii Fit. This means that you are all going to go down because each day I will come home and have my personal trainer instructing me on what will help most for me to meet my weight loss goal. So people out there who go to Golds Gym or whatever else exists. Good luck!!

Peer Pressure

It seems to come from everywhere. The past few days my daughter keeps trying to get me to eat one of the Lofthouse cookies we have. We live next to an outlet store so every now and then we can get them for special treats for the kids cheap(a dollar a container). Plus, there is the free range on all the goodies we want or could ever want from my husband's work. They have cookies, popcorn, ice cream, sodas, cake, pie, bags of nutty guys yummies, and so on. UGH and did I mention they are all FREE!!!!!!!! This will be a tough four months. I will have to try the Jello Hot Toddie.

By way of introduction, I am Wendi's (along with several other people represented in this competion) Aunt Laureli.

I am very excited about this opportunity to join this blog, and rub shoulders (cyber-ly speaking) with all of you motivated, and physically superior people!

On the other hand, I need to humbly, honestly, and very gently break the news to each of you that,

"I am going to win," Laureli whispered shyly, looking at her toes. (Well, not quite yet.)

Well... good.

Now that little unpleasant fact is out in the open, and out of the way, maybe we can all get down to the exciting business of helping each other become more physically fit.

I love the trash talk. (Jenny, who knew you and Omar are so good at it?)

However, how about mixing the trash talk with a few tiny morsels of support?

For instance, about the third or fourth day of a diet without sugar, many people find their bodies going through a sort of withdrawal. At worst, they may feel a little dizzy or nauseated. They might even think they have a touch of the flu.

At best, many people start to really crave any kind of sweets, and may find it difficult to walk by the candy/ice cream/bakery aisles without salivating embarrassingly. (Sometimes, I have considered carrying an inflatable canoe and paddle, for just such occasions.)

My best trick for staying on my diet at such times is an easy, 3 ingredient recipe:


1 teaspoon (or so) Jell-o POWDER (any flavor)
1 cup hot water
1 tablespoon cream (optional)

Pour the hot water into a mug, and add the Jell-o. Stir to dissolve. Then add cream if desired. Sip slowly.

It's warm, comforting, sweet, and instantly gives you the strength to easily turn up your nose at any Cinnabonn Cinnamon Roll, Tillamook Mudslide Ice Cream, or even Costco's Key Lime Cheesecake.

So thank you again for your obliging acceptance of my future coronation as your "Queen of the Losers." I promise to be a gracious winner, and try not to brag about my success too often.

I am certainly looking forward to this little journey with all of you, mostly so I can see who comes in second place.

But for now, let us put aside this disheartening talk of "winning" and "losing" (I understand the disappointment you must feel right now,)
and instead bouy each other up by providing your very best tips for resisting temptation! (Resistance is not always futile!)

Aunt Laureli

Good Morning

I know I've lost over a pound so far. Have you? Yes that is right I have all ready lost weight. When Jenny and I tell you to watch out, we mean it!!!
So Jenny and I brought it today by starting our workout with a biggest loser workout and then finishing it with a turbo jam one. In all we worked out close to an hour and we're right on track for getting our points.
What is everyone else doing?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

FAQs -- Take 2

1. If you entered in as a team, do you still qualify for the individual competition?
A: Sorry folks. If you entered in as a team, you only qualify for the team competition. Though don't be totally discouraged, now that we have a large pool of competitors, there is a good possibility that we will add subcategories you can compete for no matter if you entered in as a team or as an individual, like "mothers with children under 3" (since sleeping and exercising is a LOT more challenging when you are at the mercy of little ones); "Couples"; "Overall Male Biggest Loser"; "Overall Female Biggest Loser"; and "Overall BEST Trash talker" (that will be determined by popular vote). Any other ideas for subcategory submissions?

2. If I am a mother of an infant and cannot seem to get my 7 hours sleep through catnaps, will that hurt my team and short me a point?
A: Sadly, yes. Try your hardest and know somedays it will be impossible. But, everyone has their challenges, so points will be missed by everyone here and there...i.e. a hectic work and/or family tempo that will make impossible to exercise for 40 minutes, etc. Do know, that there is still hope for you in the soon to come subcategory competitions.

3. Is frozen yogurt allowed?
A: If it has processed sugar, it is not allowed. That rule of thumb can be applied to all dessert questions. Sorry. As for processed foods that are not desserts, don't go crazy about worrying about the processed sugar...that would be an impossible feat to impose. Just try to use in moderation.

4. Is Diet Coke count against the daily soda point?
A: YES, it does. It's the avoidance of carbonation that gets us our daily "no soda" point. Soda is soda; no matter how it is sweetened. So sorry to all those Diet Coke lovers.

5. Does my weight watcher's dessert eaten in ignorance YESTERDAY (4 January) count against my "no sweets" point?
A: Since the original FAQs stated "Weight Watchers desserts were allowed," no it does not. But, from 12 am this morning, Tuesday 5 January,
ALL processed sugar desserts and/or candy count against the "no sweets" point, even weight watcher desserts. (Let's all have a moment of silence for that loss).


What are everyone's feelings on the vitamins? Generally if you are eating healthy you shouldn't need to take a daily vitamin. Do we have to lose a point if we don't need the extra vitamins?

Fellow Authors

I have invited everyone from the group but if for some reason someone has been left out, let me know and I can invite you to join. Happy blogging.

Losing Weight

I love this. I think it is great, getting all together, many of us strangers, and encouraging each other to lose weight. While there is smack being thrown around as if we are playing a game of hot potato, it is all in good fun. So thanks to Wendi to starting this and here is to all the rest of you big losers, watch out because my team is going to BRING IT!!! Starting with our work outs consisting of two tae bo work outs and a spin session. I know I lost over 400 calories this morning and I'm just getting started.


Here are the areas that we get points for
40 minute workout (there are no points given for this on Sundays)
No soda
No sweets
daily vitamin
64 oz. water
no eating within 2 hours of going to bed
7 hours of sleep
5 servings of fruits/vegies

Keep Daily totals


1. When does the competition start and end?

A: Start Date is Monday, 4 January and the big reveal will be 4 April. That is exactly 12 weeks.

2. What if I want to gain muscle weight and/or do not necessarily want to lose weight?

A: You do not get penalized for gaining weight but you do lose out on the points you could possibly earn from losing weight.

3. What does no sweets mean?

A: No desserts or candy with processed sugar. Sugarfree candy is still okay. Unfortunately, Weight Watchers desserts and other such treats with processed sugar is NOT.

4. Why do I have to drink so much water?

A: Water aids in weight loss and keeps you hydrated if you are working out. Most experts and trainers recommend 64 ounces of water every day.

5. Does everyone see my weight?

A: NO! This is on the honor system and just remember karma or the 10 commandments (which ever motivates you the most).

6. Why can't I eat within 2 hours of bed?

A: In order to get this point, you need to not eat within 2 hours of bedtime. It is healthier for you, bottom line. Remember there might be days when you make a conscience decision not to earn a certain point and this is okay. This still raises awareness.

7. Will there be weekly trash talking sessions over email? (WTT's)

A: Not anymore, now that we have this AWESOME blog. Thanks, Nicole!

8. What else do I get for participating?

A: A great support group. Better health. A better outlook on life. Need I go on?

9. When do I weigh in?

A: Weigh in this weekend or Monday morning for your official initial weight. Remember to always weigh yourself the same time of day with same amount of clothes on. You can choose to weigh yourself every week or wait until the end. The official weight loss tally of points will be made at the end. Based on your final weight at the end of the competition.

10. Five servings of fruits and vegetables, really?

A: A serving size is probably smaller than you think. It is about the size of your fist. So yes, really! You can do it.

11. If I work out more than 40 minutes, can I earn more than one point for working out that day?

A: No. Only one point for working out is available each day. A workout can be cardio or it can be weight lifting/toning etc. You can alternate the workout.