Sunday, February 28, 2010


Last week was so slow!! I hope this week is better. I think part of it was that the workout program that I am doing had last week as a "rest week" while I still worked out for at least 40 minutes. I usually only did one work out every day. I am looking forward to being able to double up again this week on my workouts. It was hard this weekend too. We went up to my in-laws for part of the weekend. That house is always full of goodies and this weekend was no exception. There were chocolate Easter candy eggs, jelly beans, fresh chocolate chip cookies, soft and gooey, hot tamales, Twizzlers, soda and cheese cake and that is just part of the stuff that was in every nook and cranny of the kitchen and pantry. I am happy to say that I was strong. I didn't break, NOT EVEN ONCE!! Though I did think I was going to have a nervous break down part of the time that we were there. I usually hate leaving but I was glad to go when we did. Though there are still candy bars and other goodies here at the house, most of those are from birthday party treat bags and Valentines Day, it isn't so hard to resist the few things here at home. I still struggle with the habit of just tossing something in my mouth because it is there. Anyway, here is one more blasted week down and 5 more to go. Good luck, I know I need it too.

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